Its been a while my friends, so here’s the latest in a
very compact nutshell. In November of 2010, I jumped ship in Valencia, Spain
after a life-changing voyage on the HERACLITUS that, in total, lasted almost nine months. I
finished my master’s thesis, got the MFA and begun the inevitable scratching of
one’s head that transpires after one receives a rather abstract advanced degree
in a depressed economy. Well, now I can put the words “MFA” after my name…yoohoo!
For a nano-second, I plunged into the search for some kind of university teaching
work to no avail. Then in November 2011, I received additional training in life
coaching and now have a small p/t clientele whom I coach in time management,
goal setting and book writing (see my coaching website and corresponding blog
at I love this
work! At the same time, I also began in
earnest the process of novel writing which I promptly abandoned in the face of
setting up this new business. Now, a little under one year later, I am taking it up again (and subsequently dealing
with all the guilt of not working on it all these months). Oh yeah, and in two
weeks, I leave for Taos, New Mexico, where I will be graced with steady work
for a while and a little time to regroup, resettle, and push the reset button….
And in the middle of it all, I met S.B. Could he be THE ONE?
And does being with THE ONE have to be so darn confusing? At any rate, what is
clear is that I would like this one to be for “the long haul” and I think I
have shed for a while the external wanderlust that has taken me all over the
world and back…and am now packing my bags to step into a more internal/eternal
journey. Being with S.B. for the last 16 months has helped me to grow (ie grow
up) in leaps and bounds. Our
relationship has forced me to look at my own patterns, impatience, anger
issues, basically the whole enchilada. Is it worth it? You bet! And so it goes,
the endlessly-meandering path that one calls life…
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