DauphineDreams: Writings About the Travels of Life

In 2005, I created this blog as a real time journal of my post-Katrina experience and have continued it to this day. The mini-essays, observations and little bits of "flash nonfiction" published here now span several continents and almost a decade of my life. I hope you enjoy them! Note: The entries are copyrighted and cannot be republished either in print or electronically without the written permission of the author.

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Location: Taos, New Mexico, United States

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Grocery Store Meditation

Well blogging world, I know, I know. Its been five days...five days! ...since my last post. What the hell have I been doing? Do you ever get the feeling that time is speeding up. Yeah, well, no need to answer THAT question because I KNOW you know what I am talking about. From this to that to that to this to pay this and buy that and bring in this and do that and clean up this and on and on and on...phew. Fact: this crazy life that we are living is off kilter. Fact: It is all temporary. Fact: We are in the middle of perhaps THE major shift in consciousness this planet has experienced so far. I have felt this since I was four years old. I have dreamt it, I have felt it, these days, I feel I am just beginning to LIVE it.

How? Grocery store meditation, for one. Walmart, for Gods Sake. Albertsons of all places. Traffic lights and noticing the rain clouds coming in from the other side of the Allsup's gas station. These places are not glamourous. But by God for some reason these days, when I am in those prescious moments of non doing in the middle of doing, the "in between" times when nothing is due, there is no time limit, n pressure, the list of groceries to get...tomatoes, gluten free bread, kale, eggs, yoghurt, ect ect ,gets slowly crossed off in the in-between meanderings in the organic soup aisle and the personal hygiene section, reading labels, putting things back that have more than two ingredients I cant pronounce. Ha the presiocusness of just having the time for non-time, to actually read labels. Could my life be that fast these days? Yes, ah yes, but the difference now...the glorious and mind-boggling, dare I say, the miraculous difference, is that with three hours of time to piddle I enter into a non-time. And I do so intentionally. And the birthday card aisle, the veggie aisle, the fresh bread bakery where they just put out fresh, warm loaves in plastic wrap, these little scenes are beautiful. Not because of shiney newness or greed or consumerism or anything like that. But because it is, it just is. They are all the details of the moment I am experiencing now. And really truly, in those times of non-time, I could be anywhere doing anything. And it would all be beautiful.


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